React Basics — Babel, JSX

kartik goyal
2 min readJul 23, 2023


pollyfill — replacement for newer version of code

browserList — maintain which version of browser our application should work

Babel -
Convert newer code to old compatible code
It include polyfill
To remove console inside our code use — babel plugin transform remove console (package name)
It understand ‘<’ (angular bracket), browser not understand it.

Parsel —
Tree Shaking — Removing unwanted code
Optimize — js, image

npm run — npx

For react deployment remove build directory Then it will not update current directory. It will create.

Render updating something in the dom
Re render dom (due to change in dom)

Reconcilation in react — — diff algo

React.createElement is a object converts into html which render on the dom
React.createElement => object => HTML(DOM)

Adding JSX
JSX (use babel) => React.createElement => Object => HTML (DOM)

Why JSX?
JSX to make modifiable html or updating html using javascript
why — () ? while creating jsx element
JSX — html like code inside js file but not html code
JSX uses camel case
For ex: tab-index -> tabIndex
class -> className

AST — Abstract syntax tree ?

prettier — vs code extension to auto format code

JSX advantage — readibility, developer friendly
JSX expression

react component — everything is component in react
functional — new way
class based component — old component

functional component is a js fn
return jsx
name of component starts with capital letter — its not mandatory but a widely used convention

fn component return JSX statement should covered
for multiline mandatory ()
for single line optional()

Diff between React element and React Component
React element — JSX
eg —
const h = (
Rendering — root.render(h)

React Component — function based or class based —
eg —
const Hele = () => (
<h1>hello world</h1>
); — This is normal js function
Rendering — root.render(<Hele />)
Can also be used — Hele()

IN JSX use {} to write any javascript code
xss attack — cross site scripting attack
sanitizes js code — It is done by jsx
component composition — component inside a component

Chapter 03 Namaste React Notes



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