It is bundler.
Parcel features
1.easy to use.
2.MINIFY and production BUILDING
4.create and start a server reloading — hmr — hot module replacement
6.clean code — remove console from build field, change variable names. etc
7.create .parcel-cache (usage faster reload of build) and dist (store our production build)
8.optimize image
9.use file watching algorithm (use in reload) — c++
10.caching while development
11.super fast build algorithm
12.https on dev using — https parameter
13.port number using -p, — port <port> parameter
14.consistent hashing algorithm config
17.compatible with older version of browser as well.
To ignite a app using parcel: npx parcel <entries>
To watch (used while building library or backend): npx parcel watch <entries>
To create single production build: npx parcel build <entries>
# Single file
parcel src/index.html# Multiple files
parcel src/a.html src/b.html# Glob (quotes required)
parcel ‘src/*.html’# Directory with package.json#source
parcel packages/frontend# Multiple packages with a glob
parcel ‘packages/*’# Current directory with package.json#source